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A Dog's Life & Kitty Too
Concord School Of Grooming
concord school of grooming
Concord School Of Grooming offers specialized training classes and hands on experience in all breed grooming. You will also learn how to use and maintain the equipment required for grooming pets. The classes begin the first Tuesday of each month. Required attendance is Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. The course is 12 weeks and designed for the individual desiring to become a master professional groomer.
Classes are limited to number of enrollees to insure good training techniques, and to insure that you will receive personal attention in your training.
The program includes a thorough background in the fundamentals of basic grooming skills such as brush-outs, nail trimming, ear care, bathing, fluff drying, and scissor finish. Safety features are also taught to insure both the safety and welfare of the individual and the pet. The cost is $7900.00 for the training period which includes the cost of tuition, grooming tools, manuals and grooming smock.
Although job placement cannot be guaranteed, Susan can also offer assistance in job placements. Some groomers prefer to work for someone else, where some prefer to open and establish their own shops. The choice is an individual decision, but Susan attempts to guide anyone who shows a great love of dogs and desires to learn the art of dog grooming.
Want to become a Skilled Professional in the pet care industry; then our Pet Grooming School is the career choice you are looking for. Our Pet Grooming Training offers you the opportunity to learn how to groom exciting new breeds with hands on training right from the first day. You will not be stuck in a classroom the first week reading books, or washing dogs; your training begins the minute you walk into the classroom. Our class is an advanced pet grooming course with "hands on training" to aid an individual in becoming proficient in skills of how to groom all breed dogs and cats with special emphasis on hand scissoring, customer/client relationships, buisness practices and procedures.
Located in Knoxville, Tennessee, Concord School Of Grooming Authorized by Tennessee Higher Education Commission offers students a chance at a new and rewarding career opportunity. Our pet grooming school will prepare you to become an adept and proficient worker in the pet care industry. We work closely with students during our pet groomer training to teach them the skills and details of properly grooming dogs and cats. The pet grooming course is an exciting opportunity to learn a new vocation from a trained pet grooming professional, equipped with decades of experience. As our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau indicates, all of our students are thrilled with the wealth of knowledge and skills they obtain from taking our pet grooming course. If you are tired of your current career and have a passion for animals, this could be the perfect opportunity that you’ve been searching for!
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